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RoCo gets personal with local luminaries of all stripes.

Progressive Partnerships With Tim and Debi Lattimer

I’d been thinking a lot lately, based on all the activism Robert and I have gotten involved in since we came to HoCo, what makes some people care so much about making their communities better places to live in and others…well, not so much. At the weekly Black Lives Matter (BLM) protest near the Columbia Mall this past Sunday afternoon, I thought, “How come some of us are standing on a street corner on a chilly, breezy April evening holding up signs emblazoned with racial justice slogans until our arms tire and beyond? How come yet other HoCo-ans are driving … Read more

The Real News With Natalie Ziegler

Often something someone says inspires me, and I want to explore it further in an article. That’s what happened when I was talking last week to Natalie Ziegler, who was a researcher and segment producer at CNN from 1986 to 1994 and ran to represent Howard County’s District 9A in the Maryland General Assembly in 2018. “We’re not going to change the polarization and divisiveness in this country until we change where people get their news, Robert,” she said to me as she took off her gray wool coat and hung it on the back of a chair at Glory … Read more