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Having Some Laughs With George and Holly Stone of Clarksville Commons

All images courtesy of Robert and Colleen Morgenthau, i.e., Akbi Khan. If. the non/fiction hybrid of it all is too much for you, well, then I can’t help you. Also it totally is for me, too! 🙂  I’m not going to lie to you, HoCo readers, I was having some, shall we say, personal issues when I went to meet George and Holly Stone at the Clarksville Commons (TCC) to talk about their community-nurturing, in-it-for-the-long-haul, forward-looking-and-thinking business called Clarksville Commons. Up until five minutes prior to meeting with them, I was on my cell phone hearing, essentially, “Here’s some stuff … Read more

A Chat With Robert Hindt of Savage’s Wastewater Treatment Plant

In case you were wondering, people named Robert are–right off the bat, because of our names–the best. Some, like Robert Hindt, the Administrative Manager at the Little Patuxent Water Reclamation Plant, have a highly-advanced skill set, a winning managerial style, and a generous spirit to boot. I visited him (heretofore known as Hindt) and his staff at the plant to get an idea of how our water goes from looking like what one of his coworkers described as chocolate milk to some of the cleanest in the nation. One of the main reasons we need a robust sanitation system in … Read more

A Heart-to-Heart With Sabina Taj, Board of Education Candidate, on Kids, Communities, and Pancakes

Dear HoCo Diary, It’s me Robert Morgenthau of RoCo writing. My wife, Colleen, the darling , had gotten to write the last three articles on our site. We usually alternate, as regular readers of this site know, and I really missed it! This was a perfect week to jump back in, because I got to meet a terrific woman. Read on. As I pulled up to the centrally-located home of Sabina Taj, a progressive candidate for Howard County Board of Education (BOE) in the upcoming general election, she was bidding farewell to another visitor. She waved at me vigorously, first … Read more

All About UUCC, With Senior Minister Paige Getty

Dear HoCo Diary, “Do you know Paige? Everybody loves Paige.” A new friend said these words to us recently. When we concurred that both Robert and I did, indeed, love Paige Getty, Senior Minister at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Columbia (UUCC), our friend noted that she hadn’t even met Paige. She could tell, however, that she was an incredible person. Wait until you hear all about her and her parish! Paige agreed to sit down with me to talk about UUCC and how it fits into the vibrant, varied spiritual life of Howard County. After this, a Paige-and-Colleen-related antic, … Read more

Bagels and Banter With Max Crownover, Chair of the Steering Committee, PFLAG

Dear HoCo Diary, If Howard County needed to select a delegate to represent the area at a National Convention of Awesomeness, I, Colleen Morgenthau, would nominate Max Crownover to represent us. We met at Bagel Bin in River Hill Shopping Center to discuss his work as a leader of the Howard County chapter of PFLAG, one of the oldest and most influential LGBT advocacy groups in the country and the county. And that is what I thought as I sat down with our sandwiches, that no wonder Max is the head of an organization that’s all about caring and compassion. … Read more