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Andrea, 12, Ellicott City

How long have you lived in Howard County?

What’s the best thing about living in Howard County?
The school system

What’s one thing you’d change about life in Howard County?

What’s your happiest memory of life in Howard County?
Living with my grandparents

What’s your favorite place to eat in the area?
Pizza Hut

What’s your favorite store in the mall?
Abercrombie & Fitch and Nordstrom.

What’s your favorite HoCo sports team—school, league, etc.?
The River Hill Hawks

Which village center is your favorite?
River Hill

What’s the most pressing issue facing HoCo?
Development and pollution,

If you had to write a slogan for the HoCo Chamber of Commerce, what would it be?

What song captures the essence of your life in HoCo?

What’s the traffic intersection you’ve spent the longest time waiting at in HoCo?
108 and Homewood.

If you didn’t live in HoCo, you’d live in ___.

In five years HoCo will be ___?

The wonderfully silliest street name in Howard County is ___?
Beaverkill Road,

The county bird, flower, mascot, or color should be ___ [pick one or more]?

What would you take with you to remind you of HoCo if you had to leave it?

If I could have a meeting with the County Council, I’d tell them ___,

What would HoCo’s tombstone say—weird, we know, but telling:
Loving home of great education, nice people, and good atmosphere.

If I had to leave HoCo, the thing I’d miss most is ___?
My friends and family,

Thanks for reading! Check back with us here at rocoinhoco.com every week as Robert, Colleen (and pup, Moses) get to know the many facets—one each week–of this prismatic place called Howard County. We want to take you along with us, so follow us on Twitter at @rocoinhoco, join our Facebook group, and follow us on Instagram at @rocoinhoco.